The cyber threat landscape of aviation is every increasing. Particularly concerning are those threats that bring novel risks that are specific to aviation and are perceived to impact public safety and well-being. This tutorial will introduce you to aviation cyber security, focusing on the aircraft being the center of an increasingly complex, technology-driven aviation ecosystem. Upon completion of this tutorial, you will be able to comprehensively summarize and skillfully analyze today’s aviation cyber security landscape including both manned and unmanned aircraft. You will be able to differentiate real vs. perceived as well as emerging vs. future threats. You will be able to recall aviation and cyber security terminology, explain cyber security essentials, and illustrate how cyber security applies to the passenger carrying aircraft, unmanned aircraft, and their supporting systems. Using examples and case studies, you will be able to evaluate threats from vulnerabilities as well as risks from threats to these systems. You will be able to recognize, examine, and compare some of the state-of-the-art and recent advances in aviation cyber security, including those related to avionics, crew, and aircraft, air traffic control, UAS, and UTM systems.
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